Yoga Instruction Portobello,Edinburgh

Here to share my passion and offer instruction in, predominately, Vinyasa Flow Yoga. Whether you join me in my Portobello studio or on Portobello Beach it is the perfect location for Edinburgh and East Lothian and you will always be made to feel welcome.

Dynamic, challenging, fun, relaxing and restorative flows, creative sequences and focused breathwork for mind, body & soul!

Practices are designed to lead you through your postures with a smooth flow, guiding you clearly from one asana to the next as we focus on connecting our physical movements with our breath.

Whether you are a beginner or an established yogi there is always room to grow and explore in your yoga practice, and I would love nothing more than to do that with YOU.

I hope you’ll enjoy exploring the inner workings of your mind and body with me - it’s a magical journey!


“What you seek is seeking you”


Your personal information will never be shared :)